

SAN FRANCISCO, CA (July 5, 2022) — Today, on the heels of a horrific Supreme Court term, Take Back the Court released a new report demonstrating how the illegitimate right-wing majority has repealed much of the 20th Century in a matter of weeks. 

The report breaks down the rulings in some of the most significant cases of this term, showing how the Court’s decisions to gut protections and shatter decades of precedent were nothing more than a strategy to repeal the last century of progress and impose a radical agenda on the public.

“In a matter of weeks, the Supreme Court has undermined, gutted, and outright reversed some of the most significant advancements of the 20th Century meant to protect Americans’ rights and freedoms,” the report reads. “These rights and protections are central to maintaining our collective safety, our personal autonomy, and the integrity of our democracy — and that’s exactly why the Court has targeted them.”

“The conservative justices aren’t working under some coherent judicial philosophy — they’re bound by one thing: their commitment to imposing an unpopular, radical right-wing agenda on a public that doesn’t want it,” said Take Back the Court Executive Director Sarah Lipton-Lubet. “The Court’s decisions these past few weeks have been cruel, regressive, and inhumane. We can’t allow six unelected politicians in robes to continue stripping away our rights and freedoms — we have to expand the Court.”

Take Back the Court raises awareness about the urgent need to expand the number of seats on the Supreme Court to address the theft of the court by Senator Mitch McConnell during the Obama Administration. Without adding seats, Congress will not be able to restore the right to vote, ensure reproductive freedom, protect workers, halt our climate emergency, or pass new legislation. Court expansion, which can be accomplished without a constitutional amendment, is the only reform that enables the un-rigging of the system and the restoration of democracy. Learn more: